Wonder Woman - NPR test (BPR vs. real-time)
Some render tests in Zbrush.
By the way, "NPR" stands for "Non-Photorealistic Render". I always called it "toon render" or "stylized render".
My goal is to achieve a quick "cell-shaded cartoon feel".
-First, BPR mode. The following renders are based in flat color (just polypaint), a bunch of Zbrush layered filters and, finally, pushing hard the "Best Preview Render" or "BPR" button.
Note: the big, black outline is an old trick. It is given by a duplicated mesh with inverted normals.
Each image was rendered in 5 seconds aprox. No editing in PS.

-Second test: real time. It was based in several tricks: materials with low Specular value ("skin shader 04" was my choice at the end, but I changed settings eyeballing the results little by little), basic polypaint, a black inflated mesh with inverted normals to simulate some outline plus Mixer "outline" tweaks in the Material palette.
Each image was rendered in... well, 0 seconds, this is real time:

Note: I was lowering the Specular value in the latest renders to get a flat finish.
BPR tests feels more polished but can't compete with real-time in terms of agility.